Mental Health: Die psychische Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden schützen
macrolearningMental Health: Safeguarding Employee Mental Health—Prioritizing Well-Being
Mental Health: Safeguarding Employee Mental Health—Prioritizing Well-BeingMental Health: Safeguarding Employee Mental Health—Prioritizing Well-Being
Ensuring employees' mental well-being is crucial for companies and management—not just due to the substantial economic impact of mental health problems annually. Therefore, prevention and support must be deeply integrated into everyday management practices. This e⁠-⁠training course explains how different leadership styles can make a leader either a resource or a stressor for their team. It details the benefits of transformational leadership and guidance on how to arrange daily work to prioritize employees' mental health. The importance of recognition and providing appropriate autonomy in tasks is also highlighted. Moreover, it promotes the creation of a supportive company culture and outlines how managers can safeguard their own mental health, considering the specific challenges they encounter.
Mental Health: Achtsam handeln im Arbeitsalltag
macrolearningMental Health: Being Mindful in Your Daily Work Routine
Mental Health: Being Mindful in Your Daily Work RoutineMental Health: Being Mindful in Your Daily Work RoutineMental Health: Being Mindful in Your Daily Work RoutineMental Health: Being Mindful in Your Daily Work Routine
Mental illness is prevalent in the workforce, causing significant suffering for individuals and resulting in substantial economic losses. This e⁠-⁠training course aims to provide employees with options for managing their daily work routines in a way that minimizes the risk of mental health problems. To achieve this goal, resource-oriented health concepts are introduced, highlighting the importance of colleagues and social networks in preventing and detecting mental health issues early. Additionally, practical mindfulness and relaxation exercises are provided for assistance.
Fit im Job – Gesund und achtsam arbeiten
macrolearningStaying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and Mindful
Staying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and MindfulStaying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and MindfulStaying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and MindfulStaying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and Mindful
Employees experience different physical and mental stressors in their daily work. These include, for example, excessive demands, stress, monotony, lack of autonomy, disruptions, varying shifts, and prolonged screen time. These stressors can lead not only to reduced performance but also to underlying health issues. In this e⁠-⁠training course, participants learn how to deal constructively with these stressors to remain healthy in the long term.
Stressmanagement – Stress erfolgreich und gelassen meistern
macrolearningStress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and Calmly
Stress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and CalmlyStress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and CalmlyStress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and CalmlyStress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and Calmly
Stress is a natural part of our lives. However, too much stress can have serious consequences. Numerous physical and mental issues can result from too much stress. During this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn the definition of stress and the cause behind it. How can we succeed in reducing stress? Which methods of instrumental, mental and regenerative stress management are helpful? This e⁠-⁠training course provides answers to these questions. You will learn how to recognize stress, understand it better and manage it successfully through targeted techniques and methods.
Burnout besser verstehen und bewältigen
macrolearningUnderstanding and Managing Burnout Better
Understanding and Managing Burnout BetterUnderstanding and Managing Burnout BetterUnderstanding and Managing Burnout BetterUnderstanding and Managing Burnout Better
Burnout is an emotional and physical exhaustion syndrome, which can result from too much stress. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn what the term "burnout" means, and how burnout can occur. What factors contribute significantly to this condition? What are the three stages of burnout? What can you do to stay healthy even under greater stress? And what must be done if burnout has actually occurred? This e⁠-⁠training course provides clear answers to these questions. You will learn how to recognize burnout, understand it better, and help to improve the situation by means of external assistance.
Resilienz – Die innere Widerstandskraft stärken
macrolearningResilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience
Resilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience Resilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience Resilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience Resilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience
At work, we face pressure to perform, complex requirements, unforeseeable events, and uncertainties on a daily basis. Resilience makes it possible to deal with these challenges in a positive way and even to develop personally. But what is resilience? And what are the differences between resilient and non-resilient people? How can the seven pillars of resilience help you to confidently overcome challenges in your everyday work? And how can you go about strengthening your own inner resilience? These questions will be covered in detail during this e⁠-⁠training course.
Meine Kolleg:innen nerven mich und machen mich wütend
microlearningMy Coworkers Annoy Me and Make Me Angry
My Coworkers Annoy Me and Make Me Angry My Coworkers Annoy Me and Make Me Angry My Coworkers Annoy Me and Make Me Angry
Bottling up anger is harmful. Allowing yourself to feel it internally and taking a moment to pause helps to defuse and resolve situations.
Mein Team sagt, das Projekt ist fertig, aber mein Bauchgefühl widerspricht
microlearningMy Team Says the Project Is Done, but My Gut Tells Me Otherwise
My Team Says the Project Is Done, but My Gut Tells Me OtherwiseMy Team Says the Project Is Done, but My Gut Tells Me OtherwiseMy Team Says the Project Is Done, but My Gut Tells Me Otherwise
Learn how to stay centered and calm under external pressure to meet expectations. Develop the skills to listen to your inner voice and effectively communicate your concerns, even in the face of uncertainty and ambivalence.
Ich nehme mir meine Arbeit zu sehr zu Herzen
microlearningI'm Overly Emotionally Invested in My Work
I'm Overly Emotionally Invested in My WorkI'm Overly Emotionally Invested in My WorkI'm Overly Emotionally Invested in My Work
If you are too emotionally involved in your work, we'll show you here how to channel the intensity of your emotions into productive avenues.
Andere wirken so souverän und stark – und ich krieg das nicht hin
microlearningOthers Seem So Confident and Strong—I Struggle to Measure Up
Others Seem So Confident and Strong—I Struggle to Measure UpOthers Seem So Confident and Strong—I Struggle to Measure UpOthers Seem So Confident and Strong—I Struggle to Measure Up
We all have uncertainties and weaknesses. This microlearning is designed to assist in embracing one's weaknesses, fostering more confidence in the process.
Gesunde Augen mit der 20-20-20-Regel
microlearningKeep Your Eyes Healthy with the 20-20-20 Rule
Keep Your Eyes Healthy with the 20-20-20 Rule
Do your eyes get tired and dry quickly with all the screen work you do? In this micro-learning, we'll introduce you to the 20-20-20 rule, which you can use to give your eyes quick and easy relief.
Mit Achtsamkeit den Arbeitsalltag gelassen meistern
microlearningCalmly Navigate Everyday Life through Mindfulness
Calmly Navigate Everyday Life through Mindfulness
Mindfulness can help you keep your perspective in stressful situations.