Ich habe eine wichtige Info nicht verstanden, traue mich aber nicht, nachzufragen
microlearningThe Dilemma of Not Understanding Important Information and Feeling Uncomfortable Asking About It
The Dilemma of Not Understanding Important Information and Feeling Uncomfortable Asking About ItThe Dilemma of Not Understanding Important Information and Feeling Uncomfortable Asking About ItThe Dilemma of Not Understanding Important Information and Feeling Uncomfortable Asking About It
If you're missing any information, don't be afraid to ask. In fact, if you phrase your request correctly, it has several advantages!
Ich schaffe es nicht, mich als fachliche Führungskraft durchzusetzen
microlearningChallenges Faced When Asserting Myself in a Leadership Position
Challenges Faced When Asserting Myself in a Leadership PositionChallenges Faced When Asserting Myself in a Leadership PositionChallenges Faced When Asserting Myself in a Leadership Position
In order to be assertive in a leadership position, it is important to confidently communicate one's professional competence and to foster empathy and open communication in the team.
Ich habe das Gefühl, mein Teammitglied ist unglücklich im Unternehmen
microlearningI Have a Feeling My Team Member Is Unhappy in the Company
I Have a Feeling My Team Member Is Unhappy in the CompanyI Have a Feeling My Team Member Is Unhappy in the Company
You feel that your team member is absolutely not happy with the current state of affairs in the company. If you are open about your observation, you can find a solution together.
Ich möchte hart in der Sache sein, aber gleichzeitig nett zu den Menschen
microlearningI Want To Be Firm on Issues While Showing Kindness to Coworkers
I Want To Be Firm on Issues While Showing Kindness to CoworkersI Want To Be Firm on Issues While Showing Kindness to CoworkersI Want To Be Firm on Issues While Showing Kindness to Coworkers
If you want to find a good balance between being assertive and empathetic, the best way is to focus on authenticity and appreciation for the other person.
Ich finde als Führungskraft die Balance zwischen professioneller und persönlicher Ebene nicht
microlearningStriking a Balance Between Professional and Personal Levels as a Manager
Striking a Balance Between Professional and Personal Levels as a ManagerStriking a Balance Between Professional and Personal Levels as a ManagerStriking a Balance Between Professional and Personal Levels as a Manager
Leaders need clear personal/professional boundaries that are comfortable for them and their team members.
Meine Mitarbeiter:innen reagieren komisch, wenn ich sie lobe
microlearningWhy My Employee Praise Sometimes Backfires—and How to Get It Right
Why My Employee Praise Sometimes Backfires—and How to Get It RightWhy My Employee Praise Sometimes Backfires—and How to Get It Right
You want to appreciate your employees and praise them for their work. In this micro-learning, we will show you how to give praise that is specific, sincere, appropriately addressed, professional, and individualized.
Mir fällt es schwer, Lob von anderen anzunehmen
microlearningI Find It Hard to Accept Praise from Others
I Find It Hard to Accept Praise from OthersI Find It Hard to Accept Praise from Others
You can allow yourself to accept praise and enjoy the positive words of others.
Mein Kollege oder meine Kollegin respektiert meine Grenzen nicht und setzt mich dauernd unter Druck
microlearningMy Coworker Doesn't Respect My Boundaries and Is Constantly Pressuring Me
My Coworker Doesn't Respect My Boundaries and Is Constantly Pressuring MeMy Coworker Doesn't Respect My Boundaries and Is Constantly Pressuring MeMy Coworker Doesn't Respect My Boundaries and Is Constantly Pressuring Me
Boundaries at work are important for mental health and job performance. This micro shows you how to defend them.
Auf Veranstaltungen trau ich mich nicht zu netzwerken
microlearningI'm Uncomfortable Networking at Events
I'm Uncomfortable Networking at EventsI'm Uncomfortable Networking at EventsI'm Uncomfortable Networking at Events
How to navigate networking opportunities at an event
Ich habe gleich einen Vortrag und bin extrem nervös
microlearningI Have a Presentation Coming Up and I'm Nervous
I Have a Presentation Coming Up and I'm NervousI Have a Presentation Coming Up and I'm NervousI Have a Presentation Coming Up and I'm Nervous
We all get nervous before presentations. With the help of a few tricks, you can tranform your fear into something positive that will help you to give an even better presentation.
Mein Teammitglied findet die Unternehmensziele nicht realistisch
microlearningMy Team Member Thinks Our Company Goals Aren't Realistic
My Team Member Thinks Our Company Goals Aren't RealisticMy Team Member Thinks Our Company Goals Aren't Realistic
Here's how to support your employees when they feel company goals are unrealistic.
Ein Teammitglied will eine Beförderung, aber ich sehe das Potential nicht
microlearningA Team Member Wants a Promotion, But I Don't See the Potential
A Team Member Wants a Promotion, But I Don't See the PotentialA Team Member Wants a Promotion, But I Don't See the Potential
If someone in your team applies for a promotion and you don't see that they have the potential, then you should give them clear and development-oriented feedback. In this microlearning you will be shown how to do this.
Mein Teammitglied verliert im Change an Bedeutung und hat Angst vor Imageverlust
microlearningMy Team Member Is Feeling Lost and Worried about Recent Changes Affecting Their Status
My Team Member Is Feeling Lost and Worried about Recent Changes Affecting Their StatusMy Team Member Is Feeling Lost and Worried about Recent Changes Affecting Their StatusMy Team Member Is Feeling Lost and Worried about Recent Changes Affecting Their Status
Change triggers uncertainty, doubt and resistance in many of your employees. However, behind resistance, there is always an underlying cause and emotions that can be addressed through communication. We show you how to address the fears and needs of your employees in order to open them up to change.
Ich mache bei Konflikten immer einen Rückzieher
microlearningI Always Back Down When There Is a Conflict
I Always Back Down When There Is a ConflictI Always Back Down When There Is a ConflictI Always Back Down When There Is a Conflict
Do you tend to avoid conflict situations? Learn to enter into conflict confidently with this micro.
Mein Kollege / meine Kollegin nimmt das Feedback persönlich
microlearningMy Colleague Takes Feedback Personally
My Colleague Takes Feedback PersonallyMy Colleague Takes Feedback PersonallyMy Colleague Takes Feedback Personally
If your counterpart feels attacked by feedback, it is important to react quickly and look for ways to improve your company's feedback culture.
Mein Kollege / meine Kollegin nimmt mein Feedback nicht ernst
microlearningMy Coworker Doesn't Take Feedback Seriously
My Coworker Doesn't Take Feedback SeriouslyMy Coworker Doesn't Take Feedback SeriouslyMy Coworker Doesn't Take Feedback Seriously
If the other person doesn't take your feedback seriously, find out why and respond accordingly to improve communication in the future.
Angemessenes Feedback geben
microlearningGiving Effective Feedback
Giving Effective FeedbackGiving Effective FeedbackGiving Effective Feedback
You can express your feedback in a constructive and appreciative manner by communicating with “I” statements, making specific suggestions for changes in the future, and giving your feedback as promptly as possible.
Mit dem Drei-Säulen-Modell der Nachhaltigkeit bewusster agieren
microlearningActing More Consciously with the Three-Pillar Model of Sustainability
Acting More Consciously with the Three-Pillar Model of Sustainability
The three-pillar model of sustainability helps you to be mindful of the available resources and to protect the environment.
Nachhaltigkeit im Unternehmen leben – mit CSR
microlearningPracticing Sustainability in the Company—with CSR
Practicing Sustainability in the Company—with CSR
CSR stands for corporate social responsibility. You, too, can become active in the CSR team and help to ensure that sustainability is actually practiced in the company.
Motivation fördern mit Lob
microlearningPromote Motivation with Praise
Promote Motivation with Praise
Praising employees is an important part of a positive corporate culture. You promote motivation and commitment in your team.
Erfolg mit Key Results messbar machen
microlearningMaking Success Measurable with Key Results
Making Success Measurable with Key ResultsMaking Success Measurable with Key Results
With measurable, scheduled, ambitious Key Results, you and your team will succeed in achieving your goals.
Mit der OKR-Methode zielorientiert arbeiten
microlearningEnhancing Your Performance with the OKR Method
Enhancing Your Performance with the OKR MethodEnhancing Your Performance with the OKR Method
With OKR you learn to formulate your goals in small, flexible units, to communicate them transparently, and finally to achieve them with the help of key results.
Gezieltes Teambuilding mit der Teamentwicklungsuhr
microlearningTargeted Team Building with the Team Development Model
Targeted Team Building with the Team Development ModelTargeted Team Building with the Team Development Model
Whether you're just building your team or they've been working together for a while, you can build team spirit at any stage. The team development model can help you find the right approach.
Netiquette beachten und online gut auftreten
microlearningPractice Netiquette and Have a Good Online Presence
Practice Netiquette and Have a Good Online Presence
Netiquette means acting politely and respectfully in a virtual setting. This will help you create a positive and professional atmosphere that will make your negotiation a success.
Souverän online auftreten
microlearningBe Confident Online
Be Confident Online
Wow your audience with a strong introduction, an engaging presentation, and a memorable conclusion.
Mit herausfordernden Trainingsteilnehmenden umgehen
microlearningDealing with Challenging Training Participants
Dealing with Challenging Training Participants
Some participants in a training session require more of your attention. Here's how to deal with five challenging types.
Teilnehmende durch die fünf Phasen eines Trainings begleiten
microlearningGuiding Participants Through the Five Phases of a Training
Guiding Participants Through the Five Phases of a Training
The group dynamics of a training typically go through five phases. As a trainer, you can guide participants through each of these phases.
Spielregeln für die hybride Zusammenarbeit
microlearningRules of the Game for Hybrid Collaboration
Rules of the Game for Hybrid Collaboration
This micro provides practical tips for more effective collaboration based on five basic rules for hybrid teams.
Vorurteile bewältigen
microlearningOvercoming Prejudice
Overcoming Prejudice
By being aware of your prejudices and questioning them, you will be able to interact with others in a respectful, appreciative, and mindful way.
Aufgaben im Blick behalten mit Stand-up-Meetings
microlearningUse Daily Stand-Up Meetings for Task Visibility
Use Daily Stand-Up Meetings for Task Visibility
Stand-up meetings are a common tool used in agile work to monitor the team's tasks and progress.