microlearningPromoting Development for Home Office Employees
Home office employees need new and different skills, as well as equal opportunities for further training. This micro provides 5 tips to promote further development for home office employees.
microlearningBenefits Which Retain Employees
To retain employees, the company offers benefits that go beyond the standard: flexible working hours, home office, training, performance-based pay and opportunities to help shape the company.
microlearningSecuring Results When Working Remotely Despite the Distance
This micro is about the three most important steps on the way to efficient controlling, which also and especially works at a distance.
microlearningAn Onboarding Process Which Fosters Loyalty
A good onboarding process is worth its weight in gold when it comes to integrating new employees and retaining them in the company in the long term.
microlearningHolistic Goal Setting
Through goal setting, you help your employees identify with the company's goals and agree on individual sub-goals.
microlearningCoaching–Conversations with Employees
Coaching conversations between managers and employees require a special, trusting atmosphere. Learn how to act as a coach when talking to your team members here.
microlearningThe GROW-Model
The well-known GROW-Model helps you to structure coaching conversations with your employees and lead them to concrete results.
microlearningLeading Employees through the Five Stages of Changing
Change happens in phases. Skillfully guide your employees through all phases of a change process and make them ready for the change!