macrolearningBig Data—Understanding the World of Data
Big Data, Cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI)—you've probably heard these terms before. But are you able to explain the meaning behind these trend words? Unless you're a data scientist or an AI developer, you may have a hard time understanding the world of data and related technologies. This is exactly where this e-training comes in: You will learn about important topics surrounding Big Data, with no prior knowledge needed. It is not about how you can handle Big Data yourself—but a basic overview of what Big Data actually is, the opportunities and challenges associated with it, and which methods and tools data experts use to create added value from Big Data.
macrolearningInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of Prototypes
Innovation and the testing of new developments are closely connected. In this e-training course, we will show you methods for prototyping, how to use them in the most needs-based way with relatively little effort, and how to gain important insights from them at an early stage and thus save on costs.
macrolearningInnovation—Methods for the Innovation Process
Innovations must always have a place within a company. At the beginning of this e-training course, we will explain which phases characterize innovation processes. We will also take a closer look at a range of possible approaches to innovation development. There is a wealth of different approaches and methods for achieving different goals. In this e-training course, we will look at some of them in detail and show you which goals managers and innovation teams can achieve with them, as well as how they actually work.
macrolearningInnovation—Promoting an Innovative Mindset
Innovative thinking can be learned. Developing an innovative mindset and promoting it in team members follows certain prerequisites and comes with some hidden stumbling blocks. In this e-training course, you will find out how you and your team can overcome what works against innovation and how to get mentally prepared for innovation.
macrolearningUnderstanding Digitalization
"Understanding Digitalization" takes participants on a journey into the digital world, showing that digitalization is not just about converting physical products and applications into digital products and applications. Conversely, it is above all about the data that is generated in the process. As traditional companies disappear and new companies are emerge, professions are changing. Even doctors may be replaced by digital technologies. The presenter introduces the new power of customers and the need for customer centricity as another significant change. Finally, through transfer tasks, participants are encouraged to examine their own professional environment for digital challenges and potential to resolve.
macrolearningDesign Thinking
This e-training was developed by design thinking practitioners. At the center is a real-life, anonymized project demonstrating how a manufacturer of garage doors developed new products and solutions using a design thinking process. Here, you will be introduced to concepts such as the problem space, the solution space, and the prerequisites needed in order to apply design thinking. In a special chapter, the Persona Concept is also presented using a practical example.
microlearningAnalogue methods of testing: card sorting and pre-mortem
In the testing phase, the aim is to adapt prototypes to the needs and wishes of customers as far as possible. The micro demonstrates how this can work cost-effectively and analogue using two methods.
microlearningResponsible AI: Using Artificial Intelligence Responsibly
If you know about Responsible AI, it can help you to evaluate and deal with artificial intelligence in your everyday life.
microlearningMastering the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence with Responsible AI
AI poses new challenges for many industries. This micro describes how these industry-specific challenges can be met through Responsible AI.
microlearningI Just Don't Understand AI
There is no shame in not understanding AI. This microlearning explains how to take the initiative and approach the topic with confidence.
microlearningI'm Struggling to Foster a Sustainable Mindset Within My Company
To establish a sustainable mindset in the company, you need perseverance, passion and commitment. This microlearning provides tips on how to do this.
microlearningGolden Rules for Prototyping
Testing with participants and continual improvement of prototypes follow some fundamental rules. They are the focus of this micro.
microlearningHow Do You Start Prototyping?
The conditions for prototyping are diverse. This micro provides initial orientation.
microlearningWhat Is Generative AI and How Is It Used?
Generative AI is increasingly used in more and more areas of our lives. This microlearning will provide a brief explanation of what AI is and how it is currently being used.
microlearningDare and Master the VUCA World
VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. This means that stable states are no longer the norm in our world today. The world is becoming increasingly ambiguous. In this micro, we show you how to master the VUCA world.
microlearningProtect Personal Data
Often we hardly know which components of our data are collected or how they are used. With these tips, you can get an overview of the data protection and privacy settings on your digital devices.
microlearningBig Data—A Short Review
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence have become indispensable in the modern world. With this review, you will be able to recall the most important concepts around Big Data.