Develop Your Business

Lernen fördern – Eine Lernkultur im Team etablieren
macrolearningPromoting Learning: Fostering a Culture of Learning within Your Team
Promoting Learning: Fostering a Culture of Learning within Your Team
Success today doesn't guarantee relevance tomorrow. This holds true for both individuals and entire companies. With the world evolving rapidly, so do the requirements for professional skills. To stay competitive, companies must cultivate a forward-thinking learning culture. his e⁠-⁠training course offers insights into the supportive conditions needed across three key areas: organizational structure, corporate culture, and leadership dynamics. Managers, serving as role models, play a crucial role in granting employees the autonomy to chart their own paths of learning.
Big Data – Die Welt der Daten verstehen
macrolearningBig Data—Understanding the World of Data
Big Data—Understanding the World of Data Big Data—Understanding the World of Data Big Data—Understanding the World of Data
Big Data, Cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI)—you've probably heard these terms before. But are you able to explain the meaning behind these trend words? Unless you're a data scientist or an AI developer, you may have a hard time understanding the world of data and related technologies. This is exactly where this e⁠-⁠training comes in: You will learn about important topics surrounding Big Data, with no prior knowledge needed. It is not about how you can handle Big Data yourself—but a basic overview of what Big Data actually is, the opportunities and challenges associated with it, and which methods and tools data experts use to create added value from Big Data.
Strategisches Verkaufen – Grundlagen des strategischen Vertriebs
macrolearningStrategic Sales—Basics of Strategic Sales
Strategic Sales—Basics of Strategic SalesStrategic Sales—Basics of Strategic SalesStrategic Sales—Basics of Strategic Sales
Today, salespeople need to know more than just their product or service. They require extensive knowledge past simple customer and competitor information, or being able to conduct a sales conversation. Above all, salespersons must approach their key customers strategically and be able to build a relationship with them. This e⁠-⁠training course covers why a strategic approach is more important today than ever. You will learn what strategic sales is all about. Additionally, you will discover which situations and which customers strategic sales skills make sense for, and finally what mindset and skills are required for this.
Strategisches Verkaufen – Die strategische Kundenentwicklung
macrolearningStrategic Sales—Strategic Customer Development
Strategic Sales—Strategic Customer DevelopmentStrategic Sales—Strategic Customer DevelopmentStrategic Sales—Strategic Customer Development
Both talent and the right gut feeling are integral in operational sales. On a strategic level, however, it still requires a targeted approach with a system. During this e⁠-⁠learning course, you will learn what key account management is and which steps it involves. You will learn how to identify your key customers and which methods you can use to find out what makes them and their stakeholders tick. The e⁠-⁠training course also discusses answers to the following questions: What options are there for working with my key accounts? And which strategy is the right one? In this way, you will learn how to optimally develop your most valuable customers and achieve more revenue and profit in a partnership that suits both your company and the customer.
Strategisches Verkaufen – Beziehungs­­gestaltung
macrolearningStrategic Sales—Building Relationships
Strategic Sales—Building RelationshipsStrategic Sales—Building RelationshipsStrategic Sales—Building RelationshipsStrategic Sales—Building Relationships
Customer care plays a major role in strategic sales. Customers who do not feel like they are being looked after are very likely to turn to the competition or not make (further) purchases from your company. But what exactly is good customer care? Why does it make sense to understand the motives of customers and to consider them during customer care? Why does individual marketing make sense and what individual marketing measures are there? How can you implement them effectively? How can you successfully leverage cross-selling to build relationships? These issues will be addressed in detail during this e⁠-⁠training course.
Innovation – Prototypen bedarfsgerecht entwickeln und testen
macrolearningInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of Prototypes
Innovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of PrototypesInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of PrototypesInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of PrototypesInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of Prototypes
Innovation and the testing of new developments are closely connected. In this e⁠-⁠training course, we will show you methods for prototyping, how to use them in the most needs-based way with relatively little effort, and how to gain important insights from them at an early stage and thus save on costs.
Innovation – Methoden für den Innovationsprozess
macrolearningInnovation—Methods for the Innovation Process
Innovation—Methods for the Innovation ProcessInnovation—Methods for the Innovation ProcessInnovation—Methods for the Innovation ProcessInnovation—Methods for the Innovation Process
Innovations must always have a place within a company. At the beginning of this e⁠-⁠training course, we will explain which phases characterize innovation processes. We will also take a closer look at a range of possible approaches to innovation development. There is a wealth of different approaches and methods for achieving different goals. In this e⁠-⁠training course, we will look at some of them in detail and show you which goals managers and innovation teams can achieve with them, as well as how they actually work.
Innovation – Ein innovatives Mindset fördern
macrolearningInnovation—Promoting an Innovative Mindset
Innovation—Promoting an Innovative MindsetInnovation—Promoting an Innovative MindsetInnovation—Promoting an Innovative MindsetInnovation—Promoting an Innovative Mindset
Innovative thinking can be learned. Developing an innovative mindset and promoting it in team members follows certain prerequisites and comes with some hidden stumbling blocks. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will find out how you and your team can overcome what works against innovation and how to get mentally prepared for innovation.
Digitalisierung verstehen
macrolearningUnderstanding Digitalization
Understanding DigitalizationUnderstanding DigitalizationUnderstanding DigitalizationUnderstanding Digitalization
"Understanding Digitalization" takes participants on a journey into the digital world, showing that digitalization is not just about converting physical products and applications into digital products and applications. Conversely, it is above all about the data that is generated in the process. As traditional companies disappear and new companies are emerge, professions are changing. Even doctors may be replaced by digital technologies. The presenter introduces the new power of customers and the need for customer centricity as another significant change. Finally, through transfer tasks, participants are encouraged to examine their own professional environment for digital challenges and potential to resolve.
Bedarf ermitteln
macrolearningIdentifying Needs
Identifying NeedsIdentifying NeedsIdentifying NeedsIdentifying NeedsIdentifying Needs
A needs analysis forms the basis for every sales conversation. In order to determine the demand, having knowledge of proven questioning techniques is important. Focusing on the easy-to-learn and highly-effective PPF Method, asking the right questions is exactly where this online training comes in. After asking questions about the present, the salesperson asks the customer questions about the past, and then uses future questions to further specify the need.
Nutzen argumentieren
macrolearningDemonstrating Value
Demonstrating ValueDemonstrating ValueDemonstrating ValueDemonstrating ValueDemonstrating ValueDemonstrating Value
The value does not depend on the product, but on the user. Because knowledge of the buying motive is fundamental to the value argumentation, this e⁠-⁠learning presents the four most important buying intentions - safety, recognition, profit and convenience - their recognition, and appropriate response. Building on this, participants learn the five-step technique of value argumentation. Realistic examples show what an individual value argumentation can look like.
Erstkontakt herstellen
macrolearningMaking Initial Contact
Making Initial ContactMaking Initial ContactMaking Initial ContactMaking Initial ContactMaking Initial Contact
Efficiency brings the highest possible return with relatively low investment. This is very important for customer acquisition as it is crucial to find exactly the right customers amongst thousands of potentials and to make the best possible initial contact. Research tools help users assess customer potential and then target those customers. This course also covers preparing the perfect Elevator Pitch.
Abschlüsse erzielen
macrolearningClosing the Sale
Closing the SaleClosing the SaleClosing the SaleClosing the SaleClosing the Sale
Many salespeople are excellent advisors, but often find it difficult to close the deal. This training enables sales staff to expand their skills by developing their closing technique. Using realistic scenes, you can observe how the purchase can be systematically completed. You will also learn how to terminate the sales process when it becomes clear that the customer does not want to buy.
Online-Verhandlungen führen
macrolearningOnline Negotiations
Online NegotiationsOnline NegotiationsOnline NegotiationsOnline Negotiations
More and more sales negotiations are being conducted online. This has many advantages, but also creates challenges. This e⁠-⁠training course, designed for experienced sales managers and sales professionals, deals specifically with the characteristic features of online negotiations. How can you build good relationships with your negotiating partners? How do you utilize the most constructive communication possible in online negotiations? And how do you resolve difficult situations? This e⁠-⁠training course answers these questions and shows you how online negotiations can intelligently and profitably expand your repertoire as a negotiation expert.
Gute Entscheidungen treffen
macrolearningMaking Good Decisions
Making Good DecisionsMaking Good DecisionsMaking Good DecisionsMaking Good DecisionsMaking Good Decisions
Decisive strength is an essential skill in an ever faster changing environment. Participants can develop and expand this competence in this multimedia e⁠-⁠learning. Learn to quickly categorize a task, discern what needs to be done immediately and what can be postponed, and other methods that can help with good decision-making.
Einwände entkräften
macrolearningHandling Objections
Handling ObjectionsHandling ObjectionsHandling ObjectionsHandling ObjectionsHandling ObjectionsHandling Objections
"No!" does not always mean no. Objections do not mean disinterest on the part of the customer, but quite the opposite, potential attention. In order to be able to recognize, decode and, in the best case, crack objections from the other party, this course presents the ten most frequent objections and how to react to them. For example, the Acknowledgement Method, which consists of four stages - the acknowledgement phase, question phase, argumentation phase, and activation phase - has proven particularly effective here.
Design Thinking in der Praxis
macrolearningDesign Thinking
Design ThinkingDesign ThinkingDesign ThinkingDesign ThinkingDesign Thinking
This e⁠-⁠training was developed by design thinking practitioners. At the center is a real-life, anonymized project demonstrating how a manufacturer of garage doors developed new products and solutions using a design thinking process. Here, you will be introduced to concepts such as the problem space, the solution space, and the prerequisites needed in order to apply design thinking. In a special chapter, the Persona Concept is also presented using a practical example.
Beziehung aufbauen im Verkauf
macrolearningBuilding Relationships in Sales
Building Relationships in SalesBuilding Relationships in SalesBuilding Relationships in SalesBuilding Relationships in SalesBuilding Relationships in Sales
When building relationships in sales, it's not so much numbers, data and facts that count, but rather personality and likeability. One of the most important methods to achieve this is small talk. In this course, users will learn how to use small talk to build relationships. Additionally, this course discusses how you can use body language to respond to body language signals coming from the other person.
Customer Centricity – Kund:innen verstehen, begeistern und binden
macrolearningCustomer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining Customers
Customer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining CustomersCustomer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining CustomersCustomer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining CustomersCustomer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining Customers
Have you recently been excited to buy something or try a new service? What was it that grabbed your attention? It could’ve been a lot of things, but typically, when you're energized about a purchase, that means that the company you’re about to give money to did a great job of prioritizing the customer during the product or service's development. In this course, you will learn about customer focus and get tips on how to entice customers to try out the latest products or services.
Schwierige Verhandlungen führen
macrolearningDifficult Negotiations
Difficult NegotiationsDifficult NegotiationsDifficult NegotiationsDifficult Negotiations
Negotiations do not always follow the same pattern. There are negotiating partners* who can make life difficult for you and can present you with real challenges in a negotiation. In this e⁠-⁠training you will learn the most important tools to keep the upper hand even during difficult negotiations. How do you deal with conflicting interests? How do you manage to get a stalled negotiation going again? How do you confidently defend yourself against attacks and not get distracted from your negotiation goal? This course not only answers these questions but shows you how to achieve positive results, even in the most complex negotiations, by preparing efficiently.
Professionell verhandeln
macrolearningBasics of Negotiations
Basics of NegotiationsBasics of NegotiationsBasics of NegotiationsBasics of Negotiations
Successful negotiations are not based on luck, but on learned skills. This e⁠-⁠training introduces the most important tools needed to conduct successful negotiations. How can you strengthen the basis of your negotiation and enter well prepared? How do you know when to continue a negotiation and when to stop? How do you unerringly present your offer to your negotiating partner and argue the benefits of your product? This e⁠-⁠training provides useful answers to these questions. It shows you how you can successfully conclude your next negotiation via efficient preparation and highlighting benefits.
Ich habe eine Fehlentscheidung getroffen
microlearningI Made a Wrong Decision
I Made a Wrong Decision
With the right mindset and thorough analysis, you can learn from mistakes and grow from them. This micro gives you tips on how to do just that.
Strukturiert Entscheidungen treffen
microlearningStrategic Decision-Making
Strategic Decision-Making
The more responsibility you have, the more often you'll face tough decisions. This microlearning explains how to make good decisions as frequently as possible using a strategic decision-making process.
Analoge Methoden des Testings: Card-Sorting und Pre-Mortem
microlearningAnalogue methods of testing: card sorting and pre-mortem
Analogue methods of testing: card sorting and pre-mortem
In the testing phase, the aim is to adapt prototypes to the needs and wishes of customers as far as possible. The micro demonstrates how this can work cost-effectively and analogue using two methods.
Responsible AI: Künstliche Intelligenz verantwortungsvoll nutzen
microlearningResponsible AI: Using Artificial Intelligence Responsibly
Responsible AI: Künstliche Intelligenz verantwortungsvoll nutzenResponsible AI: Using Artificial Intelligence Responsibly
If you know about Responsible AI, it can help you to evaluate and deal with artificial intelligence in your everyday life.
Mit Responsible AI die Herausforderungen künstlicher Intelligenz meistern
microlearningMastering the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence with Responsible AI
Mastering the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence with Responsible AIMastering the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence with Responsible AI
AI poses new challenges for many industries. This micro describes how these industry-specific challenges can be met through Responsible AI.
Mit der 5-Why-Methode Problemen auf den Grund gehen
microlearningGetting to the bottom of problems with the 5 Why method
Getting to the bottom of problems with the 5 Why method
The 5 Why method offers a way of getting to the root causes of problems. It is explained here!
Stakeholder analysieren und managen
microlearningAnalyzing and Managing Stakeholders
Analyzing and Managing Stakeholders
Stakeholders are an important influencing factor in classic project management. Assessing and managing them is the task of a project manager.
Der Entscheidungsprozess
microlearningThe Decision-Making Process
The Decision-Making Process
Do you find it difficult to make decisions? Learn about four steps you can utilize to methodically navigate the decision-making process.
Ich verstehe KI einfach nicht
microlearningI Just Don't Understand AI
I Just Don't Understand AII Just Don't Understand AII Just Don't Understand AI
There is no shame in not understanding AI. This microlearning explains how to take the initiative and approach the topic with confidence.