So geht Kundenfokus – erste Schritte
microlearningCustomer Focus Works—First Steps
Customer Focus Works—First Steps
A good product is no longer enough to inspire your customers. It's also about making every touchpoint with your customers completely relevant to their needs. We'll show you how you can succeed.
Hilfe! Meine Kund:innen finden mich nicht sympathisch genug!
microlearningHelp! I Don't Come-Off as Personable
Help! I Don't Come-Off as PersonableHelp! I Don't Come-Off as PersonableHelp! I Don't Come-Off as Personable
In this micro, it's all about coming across as personable and authentic to customers. Personability is based on appreciation and is a major competitive advantage in consulting and sales.
Nutzen argumentieren mit der 5-Stufen-Technik
microlearningArguing Benefits with the Five Step Technique
Arguing Benefits with the Five Step Technique
With the 5⁠-⁠step technique, you can specifically address the needs of your customers and inspire them with your product.
Einwände entkräften mit der Quittungsmethode
microlearningCountering Objections with the Acknowledgment Method
Countering Objections with the Acknowledgment Method
The Acknowledgment Method helps to professionally refute objections from customers in sales talks and convince them of a product or service.
Auf ein „Nein“ von Kund:innen adäquat reagieren – „Nein“ ist nicht gleich „Nein“!
microlearningResponding Adequately to a "No" From Customers: "No" is Not Just "No"
Responding Adequately to a "No" From Customers: "No" is Not Just "No"
If customers say no, this does not automatically mean that they do not want to buy. Using these tips, you can respond in a constructive, appreciative way while still getting them excited about a purchase.