Presenting professionally and customer-centred in online settings

Online kundenzentriert präsentieren in der Versicherungswirtschaft
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Communication and Interaction


Total time 60 minutes

Being able to present online is a relevant future competence. The participants of this e⁠-⁠training learn how to maintain contact with customers and interact with them in online presentations. Other important topics in relation to online presentations that the course addresses are how to carry out a successful technology check and how to use media sensibly in the virtual space.


Learning objectives

  • Understand the specifics of online presentations in order to be able to present professionally and confidently to clients in online settings.

  • Know the basic functions of common tools

  • Prepare for online presentations in an optimal and customer-centred way

  • Carry out the technology check successfully so that the technology runs smoothly during the customer presentation

  • Be able to use different media effectively in online presentations


Making yourself clear
Giving convincing presentations
Informing others

Authoring tool



Enacted scenes
Key messages
Animated illustrative videos
Knowledge Check
Moderated video lectures
Interactive elements
Transfer tasks
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