Conducting Termination Meetings

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Leadership and Management


Total time 60 minutes

learning format


Termination meetings differ from other meetings due to immense importance they have for the employees involved. They are often associated with a great emotional shock that can manifest in various ways. It is part of your job as a manager to conduct termination meetings in a professional and respectful manner. This e⁠-⁠training course will equip you with the tools you need to do this. You will learn the proper way to perpare and how you should plan and structure termination meetings. One focus of the e⁠-⁠training course is handling emotional factors: What are typical reactions and how can you deal with them well? In an extra chapter, you will learn how to conduct termination meetings by online videoconferencing or telephone.

What is a macrolearning?

Comprehensive soft skills training for in-depth personal development. Macrolearning is a classic elearning course with a completion time of approximately 50 minutes. As a particularly intensive form of digital development, macrolearning promotes soft skills and sharpens personal profiles. For a holistic learning journey, PINKTUM Macrolearnings can also be combined with suitable compact Microlearnings.


Target group

  • Managers who will eventually need to conduct termination meetings

Learning objectives

  • Preparing for and conduct termination meetings

  • Be aware of the typical reactions and know how to deal with them

  • Managing your own emotions during the meeting

  • Learning what to expect in online termination meetings


Representing the company
Getting a grip
Acting fairly and with integrity
Taking on responsibility
Managing stress

Authoring tool



Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Moderated video lectures
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