Agile leadership - encouraging employees to act independently and in a customer-oriented manner

Agile Führung – Mitarbeitende bei Herausforderungen der modernen Versicherungsberatung unterstützen
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Leadership and Management


Total time 50 minutes

This e⁠-⁠training defines and describes the concept of agile leadership. The challenges of modern day leadership require new attitudes and methods from leaders. Participants learn to develop an agile leadership mindset, skillset and toolset and to manage their teams along the five dimensions of agile leadership. This creates optimal framework conditions for customer-oriented action.


Target group

  • Managers in the distribution of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Understand that agile leadership requires an agile mindset, skillset and toolset.

  • Know the importance of mindsets and develop an agile leadership mindset

  • Know the most important skills for agile leadership in order to sustainably improve customer contact.

  • Know the most important tools for agile leadership in order to offer employees optimal framework conditions for customer-oriented action.


Motivating employees
Creating criteria for action
Demonstrating openness
Managing teams
Taking on responsibility
Encouraging innovation
Setting an example
Giving feedback

Authoring tool



Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Moderated video lectures
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