Mit dem Rubikonmodell Handlungsprozesse besser verstehen
microlearningUnderstanding action processes better with the Rubicon Model
Understanding action processes better with the Rubicon Model
How do wishes turn into goals, and goals into actions? The Rubicon Model provides an explanation!
Die Verantwortungen in meinem Beruf machen mich fertig
microlearningMy Work Responsibilities Are Exhausting Me
My Work Responsibilities Are Exhausting MeMy Work Responsibilities Are Exhausting MeMy Work Responsibilities Are Exhausting Me
Responsibility means prioritizing. In this microlearning, you’ll learn how to reflect on and evaluate your roles and the expectations that come with them.
Effektive Wochenplanung mit Zielen
microlearningWeekly Planning Made Simple for Achieving Goals
Weekly Planning Made Simple for Achieving Goals
With strategic weekly planning, you can make better use of your time and achieve your professional goals.
Wissen verankern mit nachhaltigem Wissenstransfer
microlearningAnchoring Knowledge through Sustainable Learning Methods
Anchoring Knowledge through Sustainable Learning Methods
The key to long-term success is transforming knowledge into actionable skills! Exercises, discussions, Q&A sessions, and role-playing activities all help in this process.
Ich traue mich nicht, meine Wissenslücken zuzugeben
microlearningTackling the Fear of Acknowledging What I Don't Know
Tackling the Fear of Acknowledging What I Don't Know
Acknowledging one's own knowledge gaps can be intimidating, yet it's essential for personal growth and improvement. This micro shows how it's done!
Ich möchte meine Führungskraft überzeugen, mir eine Weiterbildung zu erlauben
microlearningPersuading My Manager to Authorize Further Development
Persuading My Manager to Authorize Further Development
In this microlearning module, we demonstrate effective strategies for organizing and prioritizing your arguments to persuade your manager to support your ongoing education.
Sich leichter Dinge merken mit der Loci-Methode
microlearningMemorise things more easily with the loci method
Memorise things more easily with the loci method
With the loci method, you link information with familiar places to make it easier to remember.
Verstehendes Lesen mit der SQ3R-Methode
microlearningComprehensive reading with the SQ3R method
Comprehensive reading with the SQ3R method
With the SQ3R method, you can better grasp the most important content when reading a text and keep it in mind for later.
So bereitet sich dein Team auf den Design-Thinking-Prozess vor
microlearningHow your team prepares for the design thinking process
How your team prepares for the design thinking process
The design thinking approach helps to make products and companies competitive again by focussing on customers, openness, curiosity and innovation. Three rules will help you prepare for the design thinking process in the best possible way.
Mir fällt es schwer, den Sinn bei stumpfen Routineaufgaben zu sehen
microlearningI Struggle to See the Point in Mundane, Routine Tasks
I Struggle to See the Point in Mundane, Routine TasksI Struggle to See the Point in Mundane, Routine TasksI Struggle to See the Point in Mundane, Routine Tasks
Sometimes, it may feel like your work is meaningless—but it never is! When you view your tasks as part of the larger picture, that's where you find the real meaning.
Es fällt mir schwer, meinen Start in den Lernprozess zu finden
microlearningFinding a Start in the Learning Process is Challenging
Finding a Start in the Learning Process is ChallengingFinding a Start in the Learning Process is ChallengingFinding a Start in the Learning Process is Challenging
It can be frustrating when learning doesn't work out the way you want it to. By realising why the skills you want to acquire are important, you will be able to motivate yourself for the learning process.
Ich möchte nicht delegieren, weil ich die Aufgabe lieber selbst abschließen will
microlearningI Don't Want to Delegate Because I Prefer to Complete the Task Myself
I Don't Want to Delegate Because I Prefer to Complete the Task MyselfI Don't Want to Delegate Because I Prefer to Complete the Task MyselfI Don't Want to Delegate Because I Prefer to Complete the Task Myself
It can be difficult to delegate tasks that are enjoyable, but it is crucial for both time management and employee development.
Ich nehme mir meine Arbeit zu sehr zu Herzen
microlearningI'm Overly Emotionally Invested in My Work
I'm Overly Emotionally Invested in My WorkI'm Overly Emotionally Invested in My WorkI'm Overly Emotionally Invested in My Work
If you are too emotionally involved in your work, we'll show you here how to channel the intensity of your emotions into productive avenues.
Andere wirken so souverän und stark – und ich krieg das nicht hin
microlearningOthers Seem So Confident and Strong—I Struggle to Measure Up
Others Seem So Confident and Strong—I Struggle to Measure UpOthers Seem So Confident and Strong—I Struggle to Measure UpOthers Seem So Confident and Strong—I Struggle to Measure Up
We all have uncertainties and weaknesses. This microlearning is designed to assist in embracing one's weaknesses, fostering more confidence in the process.
Die Trennung zwischen Homeoffice und Zuhause gelingt mir nicht
microlearningStruggling to Separate My Work in My Home Office from My Personal Life
Struggling to Separate My Work in My Home Office from My Personal LifeStruggling to Separate My Work in My Home Office from My Personal LifeStruggling to Separate My Work in My Home Office from My Personal Life
Those who work from home face the challenge that many of the usual work structures don't exist. This micro shows how they can better structure their own work time.
Im Homeoffice werde ich ständig von meinen Kindern unterbrochen
microlearningDealing with Interruptions from My Children in Home Office
Dealing with Interruptions from My Children in Home OfficeDealing with Interruptions from My Children in Home OfficeDealing with Interruptions from My Children in Home Office
In a home office, you always seem available and approachable as a parent. This micro shows how simple symbols can be used to clearly distinguish work mode from home mode.
Gesunde Augen mit der 20-20-20-Regel
microlearningKeep Your Eyes Healthy with the 20-20-20 Rule
Keep Your Eyes Healthy with the 20-20-20 Rule
Do your eyes get tired and dry quickly with all the screen work you do? In this micro-learning, we'll introduce you to the 20-20-20 rule, which you can use to give your eyes quick and easy relief.
Mit Achtsamkeit den Arbeitsalltag gelassen meistern
microlearningCalmly Navigate Everyday Life through Mindfulness
Calmly Navigate Everyday Life through Mindfulness
Mindfulness can help you keep your perspective in stressful situations.
Sichtbar bleiben im Homeoffice
microlearningStaying Visible in Your Home Office
Staying Visible in Your Home Office
Hybrid work often requires more communication about needs, coordination and even work/life boundaries. This micro provides practical tips on how to do this.
Ich habe Angst, dass die KI meinen Job übernimmt
microlearningI Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My Job
I Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My JobI Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My JobI Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My Job
Being afraid of AI is the wrong reaction. We should see it as a tool and partner to simplify our own work processes and do what we really want to do.
Sich selbst motivieren
microlearningStaying Self-Motivated
Staying Self-Motivated
There are some to-dos that you like to put off. This micro presents three possible motivational techniques for getting unpopular tasks done.
Monotasking: Volle Konzentration
microlearningMonotasking: Full Concentration
Monotasking: Full Concentration
Monotasking allows you to tackle tasks one at a time and concentrate fully on them.
Tätigkeiten einen Sinn geben
microlearningGiving Meaning to Tasks
Giving Meaning to TasksGiving Meaning to TasksGiving Meaning to Tasks
Employees work better when the meaning and purpose of their work is clear to them. An understandable purpose, an inspiring corporate mission statement, good communication and authenticity play a key role in creating clarity.
Produktiver arbeiten mit der ALPEN-Methode
microlearningWork More Productively with the ALPEN Method
Work More Productively with the ALPEN Method
Use the ALPEN method to efficiently plan your to-dos for the day and keep track of all your tasks!
Mit Job Crafting Aufgaben und Interessen verbinden
microlearningConnecting Tasks and Interests with Job Crafting
Connecting Tasks and Interests with Job Crafting
Job crafting helps you better match your tasks and responsibilities to your skills and interests.
Signaturstärken zur beruflichen Entfaltung nutzen
microlearningUsing Signature Strengths for Professional Development
Using Signature Strengths for Professional Development
Signature strengths are skills that you particularly like to use frequently and that distinguish you as a person. By using your signature strengths at work, you can achieve your professional goals and advance your career.
Leidenschaft gezielt im Job nutzen
microlearningPassion at Work
Passion at Work
Purpose means living out your passion at work. Passion is therefore a central key to finding out what really makes you happy.
Mithilfe des Goldenen Kreises einen Sinn im Job finden
microlearningFinding Meaning in Your Work with the Golden Circle
Finding Meaning in Your Work with the Golden CircleFinding Meaning in Your Work with the Golden Circle
The concept of the Golden Circle can guide you to discover deeper meaning in your work, leading to greater satisfaction and long-term success in your career.
Die SMART-Methode
microlearningThe SMART Method
The SMART Method
Here you will learn how to define your goals according to SMART logic so that they are precise and motivating.
Clever priorisieren mit der Eisenhower-Matrix
microlearningClever Prioritization with the Eisenhower Matrix
Clever Prioritization with the Eisenhower Matrix
Use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize your tasks by urgency and importance in order to focus on the right tasks.