Handlungsfähig bleiben:  Unsicherheit und Ambivalenz souverän meistern
macrolearningStaying in Control : Managing Uncertainty and Ambivalence with Confidence
Staying in Control : Managing Uncertainty and Ambivalence with Confidence
The current global situation is worrying: In the face of the omnipresent climate crisis, financial crises, social and political unrest, technology and information overload, we need to find our bearings and take action. How can this be achieved? This training provides strategies for successfully dealing with ambiguity and uncertainty. It highlights the aspects of mental agility, self-awareness, emotional awareness and situational awareness. Mental agility makes it possible to accept uncertainty and react flexibly to new situations. Self-knowledge opens up the space to reflect on one's own values and convictions in order to better understand one's own reactions. Control over strong emotions prevents impulsive actions. This allows situations to be realistically analyzed and appropriate decisions to be made.
Ideen verwirklichen: Wie Sie Absichten in Taten umsetzen
macrolearningBringing Ideas to Life: Turning Intentions into Action
Bringing Ideas to Life: Turning Intentions into Action
We all have many goals and intentions. The question is, how can we move into action—and, more importantly, how do we stay committed until our goals are achieved? This e⁠-⁠training aims to provide assistance with action control and motivation. Based on various psychological models, it explains how to set realistic, motivating goals, what to consider when planning action steps, how to maintain discipline during execution, and how to constructively analyze the results to achieve future goals even more effectively.
Im Unternehmenssinne denken: Verantwortung übernehmen, Entscheidungen treffen
macrolearningAdopt a Company-First Mindset: Own Your Actions and Make Decisions
Adopt a Company-First Mindset: Own Your Actions and Make Decisions
Thinking and acting in the best interest of the company isn’t just important for the C⁠-⁠suite. Everyone benefits when their values and goals align with those of the organization. This e⁠-⁠training course explains how to do that, and how to take responsibility and make decisions. It offers tools for self-reflection on roles and expectations, discusses the process of responsible decision-making, and explores how the right mindset can help you learn from mistakes to grow both personally and professionally.
Mit Selbstvertrauen ins KI-Zeitalter
macrolearningMoving into the Age of AI with Confidence
Moving into the Age of AI with ConfidenceMoving into the Age of AI with ConfidenceMoving into the Age of AI with ConfidenceMoving into the Age of AI with Confidence
The AI revolution is one of the fastest and most profound transformations in recent history. Hardly any professional field will remain untouched by it. This shift will require all of us to take a new approach to our work and the world around us. This e⁠-⁠training course does not provide hard facts about how algorithms work. Rather, it focuses on the human aspect. The objective is to guide learners in developing their resilience, grasping strategies to manage change effectively, and recognizing how discovering their purpose can foster fulfilling work experiences, even amid new circumstances.
Purpose – Mit Sinn zum Erfolg
macrolearningPurpose—Understanding and Achieving Success
Purpose—Understanding and Achieving Success
Today's employees and companies often no longer define success simply by how quickly someone can climb the corporate ladder. Instead, it is increasingly measured in terms of responsibility, community benefit, satisfaction, and purpose. Why is purposeful work so promising? And what can help you find more purpose and joy in your job? This course will show you how to find purpose in your work and be more successful and satisfied in your company.
The more self-determined and self-reliant you can be in your job, the more important it is to be self-motivated in your approach. In this e⁠-⁠training you will learn the basics of self-motivation. You will explore your motives and learn how to formulate clear goals. On this basis, we will introduce you to methods for motivating yourself effectively and maintaining your motivation in the long term. In addition, you will learn how to deal productively with obstacles. Numerous practical tips make it easier for you to apply the new knowledge in your everyday life.
Selbstorganisiert lernen
macrolearningSelf-Organized Learning
Self-Organized LearningSelf-Organized LearningSelf-Organized LearningSelf-Organized LearningSelf-Organized Learning
With the possibilities offered by digitization, learning is becoming more flexible, diverse, and individualized, than ever before. Thanks to this, you now have the opportunity to take more control of your learning process. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn about which parts of the learning process you can have an influence on – and you will receive numerous tips for successful self-organized learning. You will learn how to identify your learning needs, and, from these, you will learn how to set learning goals and get to grips with learning content. You will also find out how to select the appropriate learning resources and create a framework that is conducive to your learning. Furthermore, you will learn how you can learn productively with other people. And, finally, you will learn how to evaluate your learning process.
Zirkeltraining für die Karriere
macrolearningWorkout for Your Career
Workout for Your CareerWorkout for Your Career
There's circuit training for those who want to increase their athletic performance. But what about those who want to get in shape for their career? What do they do? Joachim Pawlik, a former professional athlete and leading consultant for the performance of managers and the development of potential, has adapted the circuit training method to professional life. At ten stations, you will learn which skills play a crucial role and how to develop them. You will learn how to take genuine responsibility in crucial moments and how you can have greater courage. You will see how you need to practice getting the last ten percent out of yourself and improving speed by thinking more slowly. At every stage, there will be questions to reflect on, exercises, and micro-learnings to challenge you to take a critical look at yourself and work on yourself with specific objectives – for greater flexibility, resilience, and performance at work as well as in your personal life.
Im Kundengespräch kochen öfter mal die Emotionen hoch
microlearningCustomer Conversations Can Sometimes Get Emotional
Customer Conversations Can Sometimes Get Emotional
When a customer conversation gets emotional, it’s important to hit pause and de-escalate. This microlearning offers practical strategies to help!
Das Verhalten meines Kunden oder meiner Kundin ist mir völlig unverständlich
microlearningI Can’t Make Any Sense of My Customer’s Behavior
I Can’t Make Any Sense of My Customer’s Behavior
There are situations where clients seem to act irrationally from our perspective. Their decisions may be completely baffling, and they might even act against their own interests. This microlearning will show you how a shift in perspective can help uncover the reasons behind their behavior.
Mit dem Rubikonmodell Handlungsprozesse besser verstehen
microlearningUnderstanding action processes better with the Rubicon Model
Understanding action processes better with the Rubicon Model
How do wishes turn into goals, and goals into actions? The Rubicon Model provides an explanation!
Ich traue mich nicht, meine Wissenslücken zuzugeben
microlearningTackling the Fear of Acknowledging What I Don't Know
Tackling the Fear of Acknowledging What I Don't Know
Acknowledging one's own knowledge gaps can be intimidating, yet it's essential for personal growth and improvement. This micro shows how it's done!
Ich möchte meine Führungskraft überzeugen, mir eine Weiterbildung zu erlauben
microlearningPersuading My Manager to Authorize Further Development
Persuading My Manager to Authorize Further Development
In this microlearning module, we demonstrate effective strategies for organizing and prioritizing your arguments to persuade your manager to support your ongoing education.
Ich habe Angst, dass die KI meinen Job übernimmt
microlearningI Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My Job
I Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My JobI Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My JobI Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My Job
Being afraid of AI is the wrong reaction. We should see it as a tool and partner to simplify our own work processes and do what we really want to do.
Sich selbst motivieren
microlearningStaying Self-Motivated
Staying Self-Motivated
There are some to-dos that you like to put off. This micro presents three possible motivational techniques for getting unpopular tasks done.
Tätigkeiten einen Sinn geben
microlearningGiving Meaning to Tasks
Giving Meaning to TasksGiving Meaning to TasksGiving Meaning to Tasks
Employees work better when the meaning and purpose of their work is clear to them. An understandable purpose, an inspiring corporate mission statement, good communication and authenticity play a key role in creating clarity.
Signaturstärken zur beruflichen Entfaltung nutzen
microlearningUsing Signature Strengths for Professional Development
Using Signature Strengths for Professional Development
Signature strengths are skills that you particularly like to use frequently and that distinguish you as a person. By using your signature strengths at work, you can achieve your professional goals and advance your career.
Leidenschaft gezielt im Job nutzen
microlearningPassion at Work
Passion at Work
Purpose means living out your passion at work. Passion is therefore a central key to finding out what really makes you happy.
Mithilfe des Goldenen Kreises einen Sinn im Job finden
microlearningFinding Meaning in Your Work with the Golden Circle
Finding Meaning in Your Work with the Golden CircleFinding Meaning in Your Work with the Golden Circle
The concept of the Golden Circle can guide you to discover deeper meaning in your work, leading to greater satisfaction and long-term success in your career.
Das Selbstbild erweitern mit dem Johari-Fenster
microlearningExpanding the Self-Image with the Joahri Window
Expanding the Self-Image with the Joahri Window
The Johari window shows the difference between external image and self-image. From this, you can deduce how you can help your employees or colleagues to achieve a healthy self-perception.