I Can’t Make Any Sense of My Customer’s Behavior


There are situations where clients seem to act irrationally from our perspective. Their decisions may be completely baffling, and they might even act against their own interests. This microlearning will show you how a shift in perspective can help uncover the reasons behind their behavior.

What is a microlearning?

Ideal soft skill training for the hectic workday, even without in-depth prior knowledge. Microlearning is a compact e-learning course that takes only a few minutes to complete. The short learning unit is ideal for quickly refreshing knowledge (Know-how) or solving professional challenges (Challenge). A microlearning can be combined with appropriate macrolearnings or used as a stand-alone learning product.


It’s a skill booster for complex tasks. Challenge Microlearnings focus on solving everyday challenges by advancing knowledge and teaching relevant emotional soft skills. They are to the point and deficitoriented.

Target group

  • Employees with or without Management Roles

Learning objectives

  • Gaining insight into the reasons behind seemingly irrational client behavior through a shift in perspective


Identifying needs

Authoring tool


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