Phases of team development in the insurance industry - acting together in a customer-centric way

Phasen der Teamentwicklung im Versicherungswesen – Gemeinsam kundenzentriert handeln
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Leadership and Management


Total time 60 minutes

It can take a while for cooperation to run smoothly in an insurance team. This is completely normal, as most teams go through several phases of team development. The core of this e⁠-⁠training course is therefore the model of the four phases of team development according to Bruce Tuckman. These four phases - “Forming”, “Storming”, “Performing” and “Norming” - are described in detail, together with appropriate leadership tools for each. Finally, participants also learn about the five dysfunctions of a team according to Patrick Lencioni.


Target group

  • Managers in the distribution of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Know the four phases of team development according to Bruce Tuckman

  • Counteracting the five dysfunctions of a team according to Patrick Lencioni in order to promote cooperation in the sense of the best possible support for insurance customers

  • Assess the development status of your own insurance team in order to be able to better classify the performance, working atmosphere and motivation for insurance work

  • Use appropriate management tools at every stage to support the team in its development and ensure the best possible quality of insurance advice throughout all phases

  • Leading the team successfully through all four phases of team development


Analyzing situations
Managing teams
Taking on responsibility
Working within a network

Authoring tool



Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Moderated video lectures
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