Mir fällt es schwer, eine unangenehme Botschaft angemessen zu vermitteln
microlearningI Find It Difficult to Convey Unpleasant Messages with Tact
I Find It Difficult to Convey Unpleasant Messages with TactI Find It Difficult to Convey Unpleasant Messages with Tact
Effectively conveying difficult or painful news to employees requires a combination of empathy, objectivity, and confidence.
Ich muss überzeugen, bin aber eher ein nüchterner Typ
microlearningI Need to Be Persuasive, but I'm a Straightforward Person
I Need to Be Persuasive, but I'm a Straightforward PersonI Need to Be Persuasive, but I'm a Straightforward Person
Delivering compelling presentations hinges on authenticity and establishing a connection with the audience. This micro gives you tips on how to do this.
Meine Mitarbeitenden finden Weiterbildung unnötig
microlearningMy employees find further training unnecessary
My employees find further training unnecessary
In this micro you will learn how to motivate your employees to see lifelong learning as something worth striving for and how to create a culture of curiosity and thirst for knowledge.
Meine Mitarbeitenden schaffen es nicht, Lernen im Tagesablauf einzubauen
microlearningMy employees don't manage to incorporate learning into their daily routine
My employees don't manage to incorporate learning into their daily routine
What most employees lack when it comes to further training is time. Here you will learn how to find learning time together with them.
Working out Loud: Wissen zwischen Mitarbeitenden teilen
microlearningWorking out Loud: Sharing knowledge between employees
Working out Loud: Sharing knowledge between employees
Employees set themselves a learning goal and share their knowledge in a group of people with similar challenges. This exchange enables them to support and develop each other.
Mit Lernplänen Mitarbeitende gezielt weiterbilden
microlearningTraining employees in a targeted manner with learning plans
Training employees in a targeted manner with learning plans
In today's fast-paced professional world, you can use learning plans to provide all your employees with professional development so that they benefit themselves and your company benefits too.
Ich schaffe es nicht, in Meetings alle Teilnehmenden gut einzubinden
microlearningI Don't Do a Good Job of Involving Everyone in Meetings
I Don't Do a Good Job of Involving Everyone in MeetingsI Don't Do a Good Job of Involving Everyone in MeetingsI Don't Do a Good Job of Involving Everyone in Meetings
Here, you will discover techniques for moderators to effectively incorporate silent participants, dominant speakers, and others into their meetings.
Was ist Agilität?
microlearningWhat Is Agile Management?
What Is Agile Management? What Is Agile Management?
Having the ability to work agilely is a crucial skill in the era of globalization and digitalization. Here, you'll find a brief introduction to the topic of agility!
Wissen online effektiv vermitteln
microlearningEffectively Conveying Knowledge Online
Effectively Conveying Knowledge Online
Online training courses have different requirements than face-to-face courses. This micro describes strategies on how you can successfully impart knowledge in online sessions.
Im Bewerbungsgespräch habe ich das Gefühl, mein Gegenüber ist nicht ehrlich
microlearningI Doubt My Interviewee Is Being Honest
I Doubt My Interviewee Is Being HonestI Doubt My Interviewee Is Being HonestI Doubt My Interviewee Is Being Honest
If you sense that the candidate is holding back, it may be helpful to approach your assessment with empathy and understanding to uncover the underlying cause.
Mein:e Bewerber:in stellt im Bewerbungsgespräch keine Fragen zum Job oder dem Unternehmen
microlearningMy Candidate Doesn't Ask Questions About the Job or Company in the Interview
My Candidate Doesn't Ask Questions About the Job or Company in the InterviewMy Candidate Doesn't Ask Questions About the Job or Company in the InterviewMy Candidate Doesn't Ask Questions About the Job or Company in the Interview
If applicants don't ask any questions about the job or the company during the interview, this quickly creates the feeling that they are not interested in the job. It's best to address this before you turn them down.
Ich trau mich nicht nachzufragen, weil ich denke, mein Gegenüber hat eh keine Zeit
microlearningI'm Afraid to Ask Because I Think My Counterpart Doesn't Have Time
I'm Afraid to Ask Because I Think My Counterpart Doesn't Have TimeI'm Afraid to Ask Because I Think My Counterpart Doesn't Have TimeI'm Afraid to Ask Because I Think My Counterpart Doesn't Have Time
It is not a wise approach to refrain from asking questions due to false consideration. This approach may result in misunderstandings and additional work. There's another option!
Mein Gegenüber schweift aus und ich weiß nicht, wie ich unterbrechen soll
microlearningMy Counterpart Is Rambling, and I Don't Know How to Interrupt
My Counterpart Is Rambling, and I Don't Know How to InterruptMy Counterpart Is Rambling, and I Don't Know How to InterruptMy Counterpart Is Rambling, and I Don't Know How to Interrupt
Interrupting someone who is talkative and tends to speak at length may seem impolite. However, it depends on how you interrupt them. In this microlearning session, we'll share some practical verbal and non-verbal techniques to effectively manage talkative individuals and steer conversations toward a constructive resolution.
Nach meiner Delegation bringt ein Teammitglied das Ergebnis nicht
microlearningWhen Delegating Tasks to My Employee Falls Short of Expected Results
When Delegating Tasks to My Employee Falls Short of Expected ResultsWhen Delegating Tasks to My Employee Falls Short of Expected ResultsWhen Delegating Tasks to My Employee Falls Short of Expected Results
You delegate tasks to your employees, but they don't complete them to your satisfaction. However, an unsatisfactory result serves as a learning or training opportunity for the employee.
Ich mache mir Sorgen um einen Kollegen / eine Kollegin, aber er/sie sagt, alles sei in Ordnung
microlearningI Am Worried About a Colleague, But They Say Everything Is Fine
I Am Worried About a Colleague, But They Say Everything Is FineI Am Worried About a Colleague, But They Say Everything Is FineI Am Worried About a Colleague, But They Say Everything Is Fine
If you notice that a team member is not feeling well, speak to them in an appreciative, empathetic, and confidential manner. This micro gives you tips on how to do this.
Situatives Führen: Meine Mitarbeitenden stufen sich reifer ein als ich sie
microlearningMy Team Members Evaluate Their Skill Level Higher Than I Do
My Team Members Evaluate Their Skill Level Higher Than I DoMy Team Members Evaluate Their Skill Level Higher Than I DoMy Team Members Evaluate Their Skill Level Higher Than I Do
The level of management you provide your employees depends on their skills and motivation. However, highly motivated employees often overestimate their skills and seek tasks or positions for which they are not yet competent. In this micro-learning course, you will learn how to react appropriately in this situation and, most importantly, how to appreciate your employees.
Ich merke, dass ich als Führungskraft nicht alles lösen kann
microlearningI Realize That as a Manager I Can't Solve Everything
I Realize That as a Manager I Can't Solve EverythingI Realize That as a Manager I Can't Solve EverythingI Realize That as a Manager I Can't Solve Everything
Managers often have to deal with unrealistic expectations of perfection on the part of their employees or colleagues. In this micro-learning you will learn how to reduce these expectations and develop a leadership style that is authentic and creates an environment of trust and collaboration.
Ein Teammitglied geht bei Konflikten immer gleich in den Angriffsmodus
microlearningMy Coworker Turns Aggressive in Conflict Situations
My Coworker Turns Aggressive in Conflict SituationsMy Coworker Turns Aggressive in Conflict SituationsMy Coworker Turns Aggressive in Conflict Situations
In moments of conflict, it's common for one side to feel provoked and respond with (personal) attacks. Here, you will learn how to guide the conversation back to a constructive dialogue.
Ein Teammitglied schadet mit häufigen Fehlern der Teamperformance
microlearningA Team Member Undermines Team Performance with Frequent Mistakes
A Team Member Undermines Team Performance with Frequent MistakesA Team Member Undermines Team Performance with Frequent Mistakes
To avoid mistakes, a functional feedback culture and open communication are just as important as the joint exploration of possible causes. This micro provides impulses for that.
Es fällt mir schwer, Gleichbehandlung bei individuellen Problemen meiner Mitarbeitenden umzusetzen
microlearningI Find It Difficult to Implement Equal Treatment for My Employee's Individual Problems
I Find It Difficult to Implement Equal Treatment for My Employee's Individual ProblemsI Find It Difficult to Implement Equal Treatment for My Employee's Individual ProblemsI Find It Difficult to Implement Equal Treatment for My Employee's Individual Problems
Ensuring equality doesn't involve imposing rigid one-size-fits-all solutions. This micro explains how fairness and respect can be integrated into team dynamics while considering the individual needs of each team member.
Meine älteren Mitarbeitenden nehmen mich als junge Führungskraft nicht ernst
microlearningMy More Experienced Employees Don't Take Me Seriously as a Young Manager
My More Experienced Employees Don't Take Me Seriously as a Young ManagerMy More Experienced Employees Don't Take Me Seriously as a Young ManagerMy More Experienced Employees Don't Take Me Seriously as a Young Manager
Managers always have to prove themselves to some extent. The situation is intensified when young managers face more experienced team members. This micro provides tips to less experienced team leaders.
Jüngere Kolleg:innen haben keinen Respekt vor meinem Erfahrungsschatz
microlearningLess Experienced Colleagues Don't Respect My Wealth of Experience
Less Experienced Colleagues Don't Respect My Wealth of ExperienceLess Experienced Colleagues Don't Respect My Wealth of ExperienceLess Experienced Colleagues Don't Respect My Wealth of Experience
If less experienced colleagues do not respect the life experiences and achievements of more experienced team members, a conversation on equal footing is needed.
Ich weiß nicht, wie ich in Krisenzeiten mit irrationalen Ängsten meiner Mitarbeitenden umgehen soll
microlearningNavigating Employees' Irrational Fears in Times of Crisis
Navigating Employees' Irrational Fears in Times of CrisisNavigating Employees' Irrational Fears in Times of CrisisNavigating Employees' Irrational Fears in Times of Crisis
When the company is in crisis, fear often spreads among the employees. Find out here how you, as a leader, can address concerns and apprehensions.
Mein Teammitglied sträubt sich gegen den digitalen Fortschritt
microlearningMy Team Member's Resistance to Embracing Digital Advancements
My Team Member's Resistance to Embracing Digital AdvancementsMy Team Member's Resistance to Embracing Digital AdvancementsMy Team Member's Resistance to Embracing Digital Advancements
Changes create uncertainty. Changes associated with digital innovations generate even more uncertainty. In this micro, you'll learn how to support your employees in embracing digital progress and working with it instead of against it.
Ich fühle mich als weibliche Führungskraft von meinen männlichen Kollegen nicht ernst genommen
microlearningBeing a Female Manager: I Struggle with Being Taken Seriously by Male Colleagues
Being a Female Manager: I Struggle with Being Taken Seriously by Male ColleaguesBeing a Female Manager: I Struggle with Being Taken Seriously by Male ColleaguesBeing a Female Manager: I Struggle with Being Taken Seriously by Male Colleagues
A wry look, an offhand comment—on a bad day, it's enough to make you feel insecure around your male colleagues. In this micro-learning, we will show you how to build your confidence as a female leader and develop solutions to these problems.
Mir fällt es schwer, eine persönliche Bindung zu meinem Remote-Team aufzubauen
microlearningBuilding a Personal Connection with My Remote Team is Challenging
Building a Personal Connection with My Remote Team is ChallengingBuilding a Personal Connection with My Remote Team is Challenging
Establishing a strong connection from a distance poses its challenges. The key is to engage regularly with your team members to foster a genuine bond.
Ich bekomme als Trainer:in nur wenig Reaktion von meinen Teilnehmenden
microlearningI, as a Trainer, Receive Little Response from My Participants
I, as a Trainer, Receive Little Response from My ParticipantsI, as a Trainer, Receive Little Response from My ParticipantsI, as a Trainer, Receive Little Response from My Participants
In professional development, trainers often encounter situations where participants appear passive or disinterested. This behavior is generally not intended as a personal affront and can have various reasons. This microlearning course focuses on how to respond to such situations with empathy and openness and how to collaboratively find solutions with the participants.
Ich habe keine Ahnung, was mein Teammitglied im Homeoffice eigentlich macht!
microlearningI Have No Idea What My Team Member Actually Does in Home Office!
I Have No Idea What My Team Member Actually Does in Home Office!I Have No Idea What My Team Member Actually Does in Home Office!I Have No Idea What My Team Member Actually Does in Home Office!
Regular check-ins, status reports, and collaboration platforms can help keep home-based workers engaged.
Ein Mitglied in meinem Team verbreitet schlechte Stimmung
microlearningOne of My Team Members is Spreading Negativity
One of My Team Members is Spreading NegativityOne of My Team Members is Spreading Negativity
This micro will show you the best way to deal with someone on your team who is spreading negative emotions that are affecting other members of your team.
Ich habe keinen Kopf für das Gespräch, will aber nicht unhöflich wirken
microlearningI Can't Concentrate on the Conversation, but Don't Want to Seem Rude
I Can't Concentrate on the Conversation, but Don't Want to Seem RudeI Can't Concentrate on the Conversation, but Don't Want to Seem RudeI Can't Concentrate on the Conversation, but Don't Want to Seem Rude
Sometimes an important conversation lacks the attention it needs. Find out here how to make your conversation partner feel valued.