Transformationale Führung – Mitarbeitende motivieren und begeistern
macrolearningTransformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring Employees
Transformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring EmployeesTransformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring EmployeesTransformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring EmployeesTransformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring Employees
More job satisfaction, greater creativity and better employee performance—these are just a few of the benefits of transformational leadership. In times of structural change in the world of work, this modern management style paves the way for satisfying what employees want and need. With the help of transformational leadership, employees can become more motivated. Furthermore, they can enjoy the advantages of possessing a clear vision, serving as role models, receiving and giving individualized attention, and questioning conventional practices. This e⁠-⁠training course will present the core elements of transformational leadership in detail, reinforced by illustrative examples. Participants will also learn how they can apply a transformational leadership style for providing optimum support to their employees.
Hybride Teams erfolgreich führen
macrolearningSuccessfully Leading Hybrid Teams
Successfully Leading Hybrid TeamsSuccessfully Leading Hybrid TeamsSuccessfully Leading Hybrid TeamsSuccessfully Leading Hybrid Teams
This e⁠-⁠training course is about successfully leading hybrid teams and shaping the new working reality between working remotely and in-person at the office with a view to the future. Participants learn how they can establish binding rules as a basis for hybrid collaboration and where the limits of hybrid work lie. In addition, despite the physical distance, hybrid team meetings and team spirit are two essential components of this e⁠-⁠training course. Other focal points are the concept of fairness and the individual needs of employees working from home and in person at the office.
Klassisches Projektmanagement – Projekte erfolgreich steuern
macrolearningClassic Project Management—Successfully Steering Projects
Classic Project Management—Successfully Steering ProjectsClassic Project Management—Successfully Steering ProjectsClassic Project Management—Successfully Steering Projects
Have you defined your project goals and analyzed the environment of your project in detail? Yes?—Excellent! Then you are ready to move from the planning phase into the implementation phase of your project. As a project manager, your main task is to steer the project along the best possible path towards the project goal. In this e⁠-⁠learning course, you will therefore learn how and with which methods you can successfully manage your project. You will deal with the management of project goals, stakeholders, risk as well as project reporting. Each of these are valuable instruments in project steering.
Klassisches Projekt­management – Projekte erfolgreich planen
macrolearningClassic Project Management—Planning Projects Successfully
Classic Project Management—Planning Projects SuccessfullyClassic Project Management—Planning Projects SuccessfullyClassic Project Management—Planning Projects SuccessfullyClassic Project Management—Planning Projects Successfully
Do you sometimes have so many ideas for an upcoming task that you skip the planning for the task altogether and get started right away? Often, this “just do it” mentality is not a bad thing, sometimes it’s even the better way to get things done. In classic project management, however, it is the opposite. Here, planning is key to the success of the project! In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn about the success factors of planning in project management. You will learn which projects can be managed using traditional techniques and how important it is to clearly allocate roles to make the project successful. Furthermore, the course highlights the most important planning document(s) for managing a project. You will learn how to define milestones and thus give structure to project planning and the project phases. The course content ends with tips for how to use the kick-off meeting to transition from planning to implementation.
Unconscious Bias – Vorurteile und Stereotype erkennen und reduzieren
macrolearningUnconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and Stereotypes
Unconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and StereotypesUnconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and StereotypesUnconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and StereotypesUnconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and Stereotypes
People tend to classify their fellow human beings into a pre-defined category system and evaluate them on that basis – but why is that? This e⁠-⁠training course deals with unconscious cognitive distortions and other unconscious thought patterns, such as prejudice and stereotypes, along with their causes. Participants will get to know various forms of unconscious bias – such as name bias, affinity bias and confirmation bias – and also receive some helpful tips on how to deal with them in a reflective way in their professional life.
Diversity & Inclusion – Vielfalt führen und fördern
macrolearningDiversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting Diversity
Diversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting DiversityDiversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting DiversityDiversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting DiversityDiversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting Diversity
The majority of companies are now making a deliberate decision to favor diversity. International cooperation, demographic changes, women in management positions and individuality in the workplace — the general conditions for professional and private life have changed and there is a demand for tolerance and respect in our diverse society. But what does "diversity" actually mean? What are the advantages of diversity for a company? And how can managers promote this diversity step by step and establish it as an integral corporate value? That is what this e⁠-⁠learning course is all about.
Aktives Zuhören
macrolearningActive Listening
Active ListeningActive ListeningActive ListeningActive ListeningActive Listening
In order to hear what the other person wants to say, it is not enough to simply listen. Important information can be lost if the listener does not fully concentrate on the conversation partner and - where necessary - encourage him to continue talking. One method for shaping this communicative process effectively is "active listening". It provides guidance that allows listeners to understand the concerns of the other party truly. "Active listening" is thus one of the most important communication tools for team workers and managers. "Active listening" shows participants how to achieve better results through concentration and verbal control techniques.
Feedback geben unter Kolleg:innen
macrolearningFeedback between Colleagues
Feedback between ColleaguesFeedback between ColleaguesFeedback between ColleaguesFeedback between Colleagues
Feedback is an essential tool for managing team cooperation. Feedback is a give and take where both can and must be learned. The importance of feedback for personality development was also recognized in the 1970s by social psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingram. They developed the "Johari Window" which shows that self-perception and external perception differ. The Johari Window also says that through feedback, the "blind spot" can be reduced and the scope for action increased. Positive feedback usually leads to the stabilization and development of the addressed behavior. It clears the way for team-promoting behavioral changes.
Die sechs Strategien der Konfliktlösung
macrolearningThe 6 Strategies of Conflict Resolution
The 6 Strategies of Conflict Resolution
When it comes to resolving conflicts, people use different coping strategies. In this context, conflict researcher Gerhard Schwarz designed six methods – fleeing, fighting, yielding, delegating, negotiating and agreeing. Participants learn the advantages and disadvantages of these strategies and are guided to develop action competence in dealing with conflicts. 
Agiles Projektmanagement / Grundlagen
macrolearningAgile Project Management: Basics
Agile Project Management: BasicsAgile Project Management: BasicsAgile Project Management: BasicsAgile Project Management: BasicsAgile Project Management: Basics
Learn the basics of agile project management. At first glance, agile project management is compared to traditional "waterfall" project management, with the essential differences clearly illustrated using accompanying videos. Fundamental concepts of agile project management such as the Iterative and Incremental Approach are discussed, in addition to agile values and principles. The course concludes with a high-level overview of the process of an agile project.
Virtuelle Teams – Motivation und Vertrauen
macrolearningVirtual Teams—Motivation and Trust
Virtual Teams—Motivation and TrustVirtual Teams—Motivation and TrustVirtual Teams—Motivation and TrustVirtual Teams—Motivation and TrustVirtual Teams—Motivation and TrustVirtual Teams—Motivation and Trust
Leading virtual teams is a skill that can be learned. The participants will learn how to motivate virtual teams remotely and in a media-appropriate way. They will learn to build trust between the individual team members working in different locations around the world. Another focus area of the e⁠-⁠learning course is for the participants to learn how to promote social networking in a team. In the last chapter, they will learn how to give effective feedback even remotely.
Storytelling im Unternehmen
macrolearningStorytelling within the Company
Storytelling within the CompanyStorytelling within the CompanyStorytelling within the CompanyStorytelling within the Company
Stories convey information more clearly, effectively and emotionally than facts and figures. Storytelling is part of every company and can be used in many situations, be it in conversations within a team or in conversations with customers. The e⁠-⁠learning course explains what storytelling is and how it works. Videos, tips, mnemonics, instructions and overviews show how to build a good story. Questions, transfer tasks and a final knowledge check ensure that the learning objectives are achieved.
Methodeneinsatz in Präsenztrainings
macrolearningMethods of Training
Methods of TrainingMethods of TrainingMethods of TrainingMethods of TrainingMethods of Training
It's obvious that experts simply tell their listeners what they know. But a lecture is only one of many ways to effectively pass on knowledge - yet not always the best. In this course, users will learn about and apply other methods beyond a traditional lecture. Each method is adapted to the respective phase of the classroom training.
Agile Führung
macrolearningAgile Leadership
Agile LeadershipAgile LeadershipAgile LeadershipAgile Leadership
"Agility" is the answer to ever shorter-term planning processes and ever faster change. "Leadership" must also be rethought in this context. This e⁠-⁠training puts classic leadership tools to the test. It is divided into the areas of mindset (understanding of leadership), skillset (leadership competencies) and toolset (leadership tools). For all three areas, we will examine how thinking and the respective methods and tools must change in order to continue to meet the requirements of successful leadership.
Virtuelle Teams – Kommunikation
macrolearningVirtual Teams—Communication
Virtual Teams—CommunicationVirtual Teams—CommunicationVirtual Teams—CommunicationVirtual Teams—CommunicationVirtual Teams—Communication
Communication is the fuel that powers all teamwork. This also applies to virtual teams. In this e⁠-⁠learning course, participants will learn how to establish efficient communication in virtual teams. They will learn which digital media is suitable for which occasions and what they should think about when choosing a respective medium. Further, users will learn to regulate collaboration on their virtual teams, how avoid media-induced misunderstandings, and finally, how virtual meetings should be conducted.
Das Konfliktgespräch führen
macrolearningTalking through Conflict 
Talking through Conflict 
Simmering conflicts are toxic to the workplace – in terms of both atmosphere and productivity. However, most conflicts can be diffused or completely cleared up with conflict resolution techniques. In this interactive multimedia e⁠-⁠learning course, participants will learn how to prepare for conversations about conflict, how to conduct conflict resolutions, and how to ensure that everyone honors their agreements.
Feedback geben
macrolearningGiving Feedback
Giving FeedbackGiving FeedbackGiving FeedbackGiving FeedbackGiving Feedback
In this e⁠-⁠learning, participants get to know the model of the Johari Window. It shows the difference between the perception of others and the perception of oneself. The Johari Window clarifies the "blind spot" and shows why the "secret" will remain a secret. This course teaches that "giving feedback" does not mean "praise" or "criticize". Rather, it is about being open to self-perception through feedback from outside.
Die acht Kommunikationsstile nach Schulz von Thun
macrolearningThe Eight Types of Communicators
The Eight Types of CommunicatorsThe Eight Types of CommunicatorsThe Eight Types of CommunicatorsThe Eight Types of CommunicatorsThe Eight Types of CommunicatorsThe Eight Types of Communicators
Get to know the "eight communication types" according to Friedemann Schulz von Thun. This course is designed to raise awareness of the fact that people have different communication styles. It also makes them aware of their own preferred communication style. It is not about right or wrong communication styles, but rather about recognizing one's own style and, if necessary, developing or expanding it further.
Agiles Mindset entwickeln
macrolearningDeveloping an Agile Mindset
Developing an Agile MindsetDeveloping an Agile MindsetDeveloping an Agile MindsetDeveloping an Agile MindsetDeveloping an Agile MindsetDeveloping an Agile Mindset
The world of work is changing. Globalization and digitalization mean that old work and management strategies no longer suffice. This e⁠-⁠training course highlights the agile mindset and how it differs from the classic control mindset. Furthermore, Carol Dweck's growth mindset and fixed mindset concepts are explored to emphasize the importance of adaptability and innovation. Participants will learn how outdated mindsets pose risks in a dynamic business world and how an agile mindset enables rapid response to market developments. The course introduces the nine agile values—trust, focus, openness, courage, communication, respect, feedback, commitment, simplicity—and provides strategies for developing and maintaining an agile mindset.
Change Management – Veränderungsprozesse erfolgreich gestalten
macrolearningChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change Processes
Change Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change Processes
Professional moderation, videos, and explanatory films teach how managers can successfully shape change processes. This e⁠-⁠learning introduces the best-known change models and the individual phases of a change process. It also provides concrete measures and tools for the individual phases and sheds light on how to address resistance. Exercise questions, transfer tasks, key messages and a final test tie all of the content together.
Konflikte am Arbeitsplatz entschärfen und vermeiden
macrolearningAvoiding and Defusing Workplace Conflicts 
Avoiding and Defusing Workplace Conflicts 
Where there are people, there will be conflicts. This e⁠-⁠learning uses four methods to teach strategies for dealing with conflict. The earlier these methods are used, the faster a conflict loses its meaning and effect. The four methods are 1. Respect the emotional level. 2. Use humor as a tool to defuse conflict. 3. Learn to criticize fairly. 4. Consistently avoid power games. Through exercises and game scenes, participants are encouraged to try out these simple methods of conflict resolution in everyday life and thus acquire the competence to act. 
Laterale Führung – wirksam führen ohne Vorgesetztenfunktion
macrolearningLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a Supervisor
Lateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a SupervisorLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a SupervisorLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a SupervisorLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a SupervisorLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a Supervisor
More and more projects are being executed outside of traditional corporate hierarchies, by interdepartmental or even intercompany teams assembled based on competencies. In teams like these, there is often no disciplinary leader. Instead, the team has a lateral leader. That leader is then responsible for the project results but without being a superior in charge of the team. In this course, we will explain what exactly the special characteristics of lateral leadership are. We will use a practical example to show you how lateral leadership operates and what leadership tools are of special importance.
Didaktische Grundlagen für die wirksame Weitergabe von Wissen
macrolearningPrinciples for Effective Knowledge Transfer
Principles for Effective Knowledge TransferPrinciples for Effective Knowledge TransferPrinciples for Effective Knowledge TransferPrinciples for Effective Knowledge TransferPrinciples for Effective Knowledge Transfer
In this crash course on didactics, get an overview of the three major models: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Also included in this course, you will find information on the roles and tasks trainers are often faced with. Finally, explore the MASTER Model and how it guides you when planning and structuring seminars.
So funktioniert Kommunikation nach Paul Watzlawick
macrolearningHow Communication Works
How Communication WorksHow Communication WorksHow Communication WorksHow Communication WorksHow Communication Works
Understanding the highly complex puzzle of communication is simplified by Paul Watzlawick's "Five Axioms". This shows what certain communicative dynamics look like in practice, and how it is possible to positively shape communication. Dramatizations enable the participants to recognize communication patterns, thereby enabling them to communicate in a more goal-oriented way in the future.
Teamentwicklung erfolgreich gestalten
macrolearningSuccessfully Structuring Team Development
Successfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team Development
Learn the basics for your job as a team leader by setting realistic goals and motivating the team for the long run. This course teaches you how to ensure a clear distribution of tasks within your team and how to not only agree on, but implement goal-oriented rules. Furthermore, this e⁠-⁠learning includes measures to promote constructive communication and shows the participants how they can use simple means to sustainably promote trust and cohesion on their team.
Aufgaben delegieren
macrolearningDelegating Tasks
Delegating TasksDelegating TasksDelegating TasksDelegating TasksDelegating Tasks
Delegating is more than just "do it"! Participants will learn which tasks can be delegated in principle and which ones must not be passed on under any circumstances. They learn to develop requirement profiles in order to be able to assign respective activities to appropriate employees. Additionally, learn the four stages of the delegation discussion, avoid back delegations, and learn to check agreements and deadlines.
Das Bewerbergespräch führen
macrolearningConducting the Interview
Conducting the InterviewConducting the InterviewConducting the InterviewConducting the InterviewConducting the Interview
New employees will take on important responsibilities, and influence the working atmosphere and team dynamics. Therefore, the selection and hiring process should be given sufficient consideration. In this e⁠-⁠training, learn how to conduct professional, goal-oriented interviews with applicants. You will learn how to create a job description step-by-step, develop a requirements profile from the job description, prepare interview guidelines, and then conduct the interview. Highlights include the art of asking the right questions, how to follow up on the interview, and how to make a final selection. You will also learn ways in which companies can "appeal" to candidates as attractive employers.
Mitarbeitende motivieren
macrolearningMotivating Team Members
Motivating Team MembersMotivating Team MembersMotivating Team MembersMotivating Team MembersMotivating Team Members
When employees hide behind their desks, it may not be because of ill will or convenience. They often lack knowledge, ability and confidence in themselves. So how can managers motivate their employees to come out of their shell and conquer new tasks? In this e⁠-⁠learning, the participants will learn helpful methods of employee motivation. This courses focuses on "self-efficacy".
Konfliktmanagement für Führungskräfte
macrolearningConflict Resolution for Managers
Conflict Resolution for ManagersConflict Resolution for ManagersConflict Resolution for ManagersConflict Resolution for ManagersConflict Resolution for Managers
For managers, the rule is: intervene as little as possible, but as much as necessary in a conflict involving their own employees. As a starting point, it is important to also recognize hidden conflicts and assess their severity. The theoretical basis for this is provided by Friedrich Glasl's model of the nine stages of conflict escalation. It clearly shows how conflicts can escalate if timely intervention is neglected. For each escalation stage, managers will learn various methods of conflict resolution - from the promotion of independent conflict resolution to mediation and arbitration as well as to the intervention of power.
Interkulturelle Kommunikation in Teams
macrolearningIntercultural Communication in Teams
Intercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in Teams
Teams are becoming more diverse, as members can often hail from different countries and cultures. Consequently, intercultural communication is becoming more and more important, especially at work. In this e⁠-⁠learning course, users will learn what "culture" means and discuss important concepts from the works of Geert Hofstede and E. T. Hall. Participants will also learn how to become more aware of cultural differences and receive valuable leadership tools with which to manage intercultural teams. The aim of the course is to enhance the intercultural skills of the participants.