Lean management in insurance companies - basics for more customer focus

Lean Management in Versicherungsunternehmen – Grundlagen für mehr Kundenfokus
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Leadership and Management


Total time 50 minutes

The e⁠-⁠training provides an insight into how lean management can be used in companies. The insurance industry can also benefit from this by optimising processes for the benefit of customers and increasing added value. Various concepts and tools related to lean management are presented, including the seven types of waste and the PDCA cycle.


Target group

  • Intermediaries and advisors who are active in the distribution of insurance products and employees who assist in brokering or advising on insurance products.

  • Managers in the distribution of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Get to know the characteristics of Lean Management and its advantages for insurance companies and their own insurance clients.

  • Know the seven types of waste, be able to identify and avoid them in the future

  • Optimise processes in the insurance company with the help of lean techniques such as value stream mapping, 5S and problem solving in order to be able to provide the best possible customer service.

  • Produce or work faster and more efficiently with the tools OEE, SMED and Poka Yoke

  • Internalise the PDCA cycle and apply it to the care of insurance clients.


Working in a customer-oriented manner
Wanting to learn
Taking a goal-oriented approach
Being open-minded
Adapting to change
Continuously optimizing

Authoring tool



Moderated video lectures
Animated illustrative videos
Transfer tasks
Interactive elements
Key messages
Knowledge Check
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