How Communication Works

So funktioniert Kommunikation nach Paul Watzlawick
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Communication and Interaction


Total time 70 minutes

learning format


Understanding the highly complex puzzle of communication is simplified by Paul Watzlawick's "Five Axioms". This shows what certain communicative dynamics look like in practice, and how it is possible to positively shape communication. Dramatizations enable the participants to recognize communication patterns, thereby enabling them to communicate in a more goal-oriented way in the future.

What is a macrolearning?

Comprehensive soft skills training for in-depth personal development. Macrolearning is a classic elearning course with a completion time of approximately 50 minutes. As a particularly intensive form of digital development, macrolearning promotes soft skills and sharpens personal profiles. For a holistic learning journey, PINKTUM Macrolearnings can also be combined with suitable compact Microlearnings.


Target group

  • Staff and management employees who have to communicate well

  • employees at all levels who want to improve their communication and understand the concept of communication better

Learning objectives

  • Understanding communication processes

  • Knowing and applying Paul Watzlawick’s five axioms

  • Consciously shaping your own communication behavior

  • Detecting and eliminating sources of communication interference


Working in a team
Working within a network

Authoring tool



Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Moderated video lectures
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