Avoiding and Defusing Workplace Conflicts 


Where there are people, there will be conflicts. This e⁠-⁠learning uses four methods to teach strategies for dealing with conflict. The earlier these methods are used, the faster a conflict loses its meaning and effect. The four methods are 1. Respect the emotional level. 2. Use humor as a tool to defuse conflict. 3. Learn to criticize fairly. 4. Consistently avoid power games. Through exercises and game scenes, participants are encouraged to try out these simple methods of conflict resolution in everyday life and thus acquire the competence to act. 

What is a macrolearning?

Comprehensive soft skills training for in-depth personal development. Macrolearning is a classic elearning course with a completion time of approximately 50 minutes. As a particularly intensive form of digital development, macrolearning promotes soft skills and sharpens personal profiles. For a holistic learning journey, PINKTUM Macrolearnings can also be combined with suitable compact Microlearnings.


Target group

  • Employees who frequently work in teams

  • junior managers

  • employees with acute needs

  • teams that have difficulty with independent conflict resolution

Learning objectives

  • Recognizing and defusing conflicts in the early stages

  • Recognizing and reflecting on one's own conflict behavior

  • Dealing with conflict partners in an appreciative manner

  • Stopping power games and divisions before they become a problem


Being self-critical
Appreciating colleagues
Getting a grip
Resolving conflicts
Giving feedback
Acting fairly and with integrity

Authoring tool



Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Moderated video lectures
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